Die Querdenker Logo

Agency for social development and innovation

We coach and support teams, groups and organizations in reflecting and improving their professional and voluntary work.

We improve company structures and processes both internal and external. We support the clients in developing visions, discovering their personal resources & potentials and realizing individual solutions.


A coach accompanies and supports people and organisations in processes of change and development. In these processes he works goal-, solution-, resources-, system- and success-oriented. The coach enables the clients to develop visions, discover their own potential and resources, work goal oriented and finally to realise individual solutions and results in their vocational and personal lives.

Coaching is a continuous, time limited and cooperative support and attendance of individuals, groups or teams. It is goal-oriented, situational and the client himself is responsible for his learning and decisions. Furthermore coaching makes a connection between the individual and his vocational role. Coaching is no substitute for leadership or on the job training.

Our approach is a holistic coaching as we understand the three perspectives work, relationships as well as values and first principles as a unity. Coaching in its integrational function commits itself, concerning questions with regards to content, to the correlation of principles as well as relationships and emotions. Our actions are guided by the requests and questions of the clients. Coaching takes place in the ambivalence between the vocational and private role of an individual. With the focus on the personality, coaching strengthens the abilities of self monitoring in the process of vocational development.

In terms of enabling people to help themselves, hidden resources are identified, named and harnessed.