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Agency for social development and innovation

We coach and support teams, groups and organizations in reflecting and improving their professional and voluntary work.

We improve company structures and processes both internal and external. We support the clients in developing visions, discovering their personal resources & potentials and realizing individual solutions.

Implacement Foundation Pro Job

The Implacement foundation Pro Job offers people with a decreased working capacity of at least 50% the chance of re-entering working life through job-related or new qualification.

The aim of the foundation is the occupational integration through qualification. The target group has the opportunity to undertake all apprenticeships which are based on the dual principle, namely theory and practice, in Upper Austria. The duration of the apprenticeship is limited to the maximum of three years.

This system of the Implacement foundation is applicable to almost all professions.
People receive a budget for their education in the amount of € 3.600,-, which is financed by the Upper Austrian government. During the time of education the apprentice either gets a kind of unemployment benefit or a subsidy to cover subsistence and an additional € 100,- grant from the foundation.

The provider of the foundation is Pro Mente Job, which is a part of Pro Mente Upper Austria.
